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Talking About Drugs

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

Talking about drugs in a public forum is something I was hesitant about at first because I didn't want anything I might say to be undermined or dismissed as someone that has taken drugs or the stereotypes surrounding that type of person. I know it's a subject not everyone can or wants to talk about but drugs have played a huge role in my life so I thought I'd write something about them. Having had a brain injury, I thought I'd take LSD and other hallucinogens to stimulate my brain. I can't take other drugs (nor do I want to) or doctors say my heart could explode. I took a lot of acid when I was a teenager and after thinking I'd never do it again, I thought it could be therapeutic and willing to try anything to help heal my brain. It seems logical to me since LSD affects the mind in ways that nobody can explain. I don't wanna end up like Syd Barrett or anything but I planned on taking doses that were laughable to someone like him and I figured I had nothing to lose. Shortly after I got a private space to do it in, I took a small mushroom cap to get reacclimated. It'd been something like fifteen years since I did any hallucinogen, and I was careful not to take too much. When I started peaking I thought, "I can definitely handle more of this." I've been steadfast in only taking small doses at a time though, so I can function and perform basic activities. They can be hard enough without a head full of acid. Anyone that's ever done LSD can tell you it expands the ways you think about things. I love that Anthony Bourdain quote... it really makes you think at least another way of looking at things is possible. There's a feeling of connectedness that countless numbers of people that took LSD describe. There's a feeling that your actions are meaningless and detrimental at the same time. I can't describe it in words. Small doses of that way of thinking can change your life. And the lives of whomever you interact with. I'm still experimenting with proper dosages, but I will say for certain that it helps in so many ways. Clearly, it needs to be studied more aggressively and I feel like I'm a great guinea pig. But yeah. It 100% helps.

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