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Projection of Consciousness

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

"What we call everyday reality is a projection of consciousness. in reality, there are no such things as colors, or sounds, or textures, or tastes, or smells in the so-called "real world". The real world is a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup. It's a fluctuation of energy and information in an infinite void. The sky that an insect sees is not the sky that you and I see. A honeybee experiences ultraviolet radiation - no idea what that looks like, you know. So when a honeybee sees a flower, it doesn't see a flower the way you and I see it although it can sense honey from a distance. A snake experiences infra-red radiation. A bat experiences the echo of ultrasound. A chameleon's eyeballs swivel on two different axis - you can't even remotely imagine what things look like to a chameleon. So what's reality? And the answer is, there's no such thing."

Deepak Chopra.

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