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Fav Movies

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

I thought I'd post some of my favorite movies in case someone likes something, then they may be into the others.

Everything Everywhere All At Once

Probably my favorite movie of all time. Kung-fu, time travel, the kid from Goonies, hot dog fingers.

Asteroid City

You can tell when you're watching a Wes Anderson film... his style is uniquely his own, and this movie is no exception. The cast is amazing and I don't wanna spoil the plot, but I loved the twist it took. I almost lost it when the kid starts singing.

A Star is Born (2018)

This movie was super popular but I feel a special affinity for it because of my love of music. Lady Gaga gives quite the performance. I wasn't a big fan of hers until this.

Almost Famous

Another huge movie. Once again, I love it cos it kinda deals with the music industry. Plus Cameron Crowe is great.

Batman - The Dark Knight Rises

All of them are great, but I like this one the most. I think most people do. R.I.P. Heath Ledger.

Blade Runner

The original has been sampled by thousands of drum and bass lovers and has become somewhat of a cult classic in that circle. I thought the new one with Ryan Gosling was excellent as well.


I enjoy pretty much anything with Johnny Depp but this one deals with drugs as well, putting it over the top for me. Also I know a guy that is rumored to be the son of the actual dude in real life. I cannot confirm that, though.


Charlize Theron is unbelievable in this movie. One of my favorite performances of all time.


Most people like goodfellas better, but I like Casino slightly more.

Fight Club

Classic. Obvious. What's not to like?

Gangs Of New York

Long, but worth it. Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo Di Caprio. Also, Scorsese can do no wrong in my eyes.


A great movie about the apocalypse. Girard Butler is great in it, too. I loved Gladiator as well but who doesn't?


Horror movies will always have a place in my heart since I saw The Exorcist when I was like 9. It's rare to find a good one these days, but this one is especially well-made.


I think I identified with this movie because of the main character's inability to not laugh at inopportune moments, something that I struggle with since my brain injury.


Probably the best movie about poker ever made.

Romeo And Juliet (1996)

I'll admit it's sappy, but I always loved it. Leonardo again. There are lots of movies he's great in.

The Departed

I stated already that I think Scorsese can do no wrong. I'm sure everyone's seen it but if not, definitely watch it.

The Matrix

Another classic and it's so obvious, but I had to put it in this list. The other ones are ok, but this one changed the world. "Glitch in the matrix" became something that lots of people said. When I first saw it I watched on a "shaky-hand special VHS tape that I bought off some guy on the sidewalk and I had no idea what it was about.

The Silence Of The Lambs

I don't think anyone hasn't seen it as it's another time-honored classic but this is one of the best movies and I couldn't leave it out. ...A nice bottle of Chianti.

The Shawshank Redemption

One of my top five, I think. Young(er) Morgan Freeman at his best.

True Romance

Tarantino can do no wrong either and although he didn't direct this movie you still get that Tarantino vibe. Just about every movie he is involved with should be on this list. As a matter of fact...

Reservoir Dogs

The one that started Tarantino's meteoric rise... Maybe his best too. but then again...

Inglorious Basterds

Ok no more Quentin. But for my money, this is his best.

There Will Be Blood

Daniel Day-Lewis is one of my favorite actors as well. I'm sure he's among a lot of people's favorite. He's so good. Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood did the score and it's amazing.

The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent

I never heard a thing about this until I watched it. Nicholas Cage plays himself and hilarity ensues.


What if the world never heard of The Beatles? If you haven't seen it that's the premise of this movie and I think it was really cool how they did it. Making a movie about The Beatles could've gone tits up fast but I think they did a great job.


As I alluded to before, movies that deal with music really resonate with me. JK Simmons plays a n evil music teacher who discovers a young man who plays drums and encourages him to... just watch the trailer. I'm not doing the movie any justice.

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