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Sex & Money in Vegas

One time I went to Las Vegas with some friends to gamble and get into other shenanigans, I think there was some reason but I can't quite grasp it. I knew a girl down who lived there and she, another friend of mine, and I were hanging out in a hotel room when the girl decided to call and order a couple of hookers. When they got there I guess the girl I was with hit it off with them... I remember not seeing them. Why? I don't know. I think I remember being kind of embarrassed or something but not showing it outwardly and the whole situation just seemed wrong to me. But anyway the girl I knew was strongly suggesting that I leave and I got the hint. I didn't want any part of that anyway, believe it or not.

At the time, cash wasn't an issue, and I had something like five grand on me. I decided to play some 5/10 no-limit hold-em even though it was only a short-handed game. There wasn't much going on in the poker room. I bought in for something like $4000 which like I said at the time wasn't a big deal, but nobody likes to lose anyway. I don't know how long I played but at one point I looked down at AA, which for those who don't know is the best possible starting hand you can get. I forget who had the dealer button but someone raised before me and another guy reraised him. Having the best possible hand I went all-in - I had made some money since I sat down but I can't recall how much. Both guys call and one flips over 99 and the other QQ. In my head I'm thinking sweet - there was like 18 thousand dollars or something in that pot. The dealer flopped the cards out that we'd all share. All I saw was a 9 and my stomach dropped like I found out my dog died.

Meanwhile, my friend was upstairs getting it on with that girl I knew and two strippers. Guess I shoulda did something else. Looking back I'm glad I lost some money rather than stay in that hotel room and take part in whatever happened there.

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