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Chocolate Binge

Updated: Oct 1, 2022

I was hanging out with a UK friend late one night playing music, drinking, smoking, and what have you, when I got hungry. There wasn't food in the house other than these chocolates that were in the freezer. I lived with someone and figured it must be theirs but I was hungry and ate some anyway. I forget how many there were, but I ate a few of them. After about an hour had passed I told my friend that I was pretty sure that I was tripping and that he should eat some of that chocolate in the freezer. We polished off what was left and stayed up all night. I can't recall what transpired exactly... I was tripping my face off, but I'm sure we weren't quiet about it. There was an electronic drum kit in the house. When my roommate woke up and I told him what we'd done, He was a little angry about it because they were mushroom chocolates that he was saving. Or maybe he was mad we'd kept him up. Either way, not fun dealing with when you're on hallucinogens. But I can say I unintentionally dosed myself with psychoactive drugs.

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