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Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Around 92 or so I went to a rave at an amusement park called Casper. I took a bus there with a bunch of other like-minded wackos looking for a good time. I took some e and rode a roller coaster, There's nothing in this world that compared to rushing on e and feeling like you might die. I'm surprised I didn't puke. I'm sure a lot of people did that day. There were different venues with music... the massive scale of everything was overwhelming and I was into breakbeat so I spent a lot of time in the room that was geared towards that. I think Overload was playing and I was browsing mixtapes he had in front of the booth. Some dude came up to me and said something to the effect of “if you like this stuff you should check out my mixtape.” That’s how I met Dieselboy. Apart from that, I don't remember much other than that at one point I was making out with some girl on the ground and a bouncer came and told us to move on.

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